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School of Social Sciences Social Sciences

Resources for Students

If you are interested in attending UC San Diego and want to learn more about the degree options in the School of Social Sciences, please visit the individual websites of our departments and programs to get a comprehensive view. This page highlights some community-based opportunities for undergraduate students and the fellowships we offer our graduate students.

Social Sciences student working in the community

Community-Based Opportunities

The School of Social Sciences works in partnership with communities throughout San Diego and beyond. These community-based opportunities can be life-changing – not only for students but for community members, too.

Explore the possibilities

Endowed Graduate Fellowships

Fellows Make a Difference

Endowed fellowships in the Social Sciences support some of our best and brightest graduate students in their path-breaking work. See what our talented fellows are doing.


Apply for a Fellowship

Continuing graduate student? Check out these fellowships supporting research on such societal concerns as homelessness, educational inequality, environmental racism and more.


Tuition and Fee Support for Fellows

The School of Social Sciences and the fellow's home department share outstanding tuition and fees for eligible students.


Helpful links

For prospective students

For current students