Pathways to Retirement Program
Pathways to retirement is meant as a retirement incentive, it is not intended for those individuals who already plan on retiring. Retirement plans that include funding or space allocations must be approved by the Executive Vice Chancellor via the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Resource Administration.
The basics involve the Chair addressing a memo to the EVC via the Dean with the particular details of the agreement. Issues concerning space, future recalls etc. are all worked out between the faculty, chair and Dean. Retirement plans that include funding or space allocations must be approved by the EVC via the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Resource Administration. Once the AVC reviews on behalf of the EVC, the dept. obtains the irrevocable separation from the retiree to the chair and also the recall form and sends them to the Dean for approval. Once approved, the final document should then be sent to Academic Compensation for further review. The recall form will need final approval from the EVC as is standard.
Developing a Pathways to Retirement Plan
1. Recalling Faculty:
2. Deferral of Academic Review:
Chairs (with the dean’s approval) may agree to defer an academic review for up to one year immediately preceding separation. This may be advantageous because a review may lead, in cases of reduced scholarly output, to an increase in teaching and service. This deferral may be offered as an exception (with approval by the Senior Vice Chancellor) even if the faculty member is at the end of five years without a review (see APM 200-0).
3. Teaching Relief:
For up to one year prior to retirement, department chairs may shift or reduce teaching obligations where departmental needs justify such alterations (e.g., the department will benefit if the faculty member engages in curriculum development or co-teaching, provides special administrative services, or concludes unfinished research).
4. Summer Ninths:
At the expense of the department and prior to separation, for specific research or other assignments performed during the summer prior to separation, a department may pay (up to two) summer ninths per year for one or two summers prior to separation.
5. Space:
Consistent with campus guidelines for emeriti/ae offices and laboratory space, the dean, in conjunction with the chair, may approve an allocation of space generally for up to two years, with allocations thereafter subject to availability. (A Pathways to Retirement Plan does not involve any campus augmentation of current departmental space.)
6. Irrevocable Letter Of Separation:
Plans containing any benefit described above must include an appointee’s letter irrevocably resigning and separating from the University as of a fixed date (often 6/28/xx) no more than two years hence (and preferably one) and stating that the signature on the letter constitutes all that is required to effectuate a separation. In certain circumstances a more elaborate set of waivers and releases of possible claims may be advised, following your consultation with the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel.